Putting the focus on indie film.
Independent Film Focus is an online showcase that chooses at least 3 films every month to feature. Films, videos, tapings, and scripts selected by the showcase will receive:
A review from our staff
A star rating
A shout out on social media
Some selections may be offered the following opportunities:
Option to place film trailer on the independentfilmfocus.com website
Option to place entire film on the independentfilmfocus.com website
Option for an interview with key cast and/or crew
If selected, showcase films must provide:
At least one still from the film
The Independent Film Focus has no premiere status restrictions, and has no restrictions on the films availability or distribution. Films that submit may have appeared at other film festivals, or showcases, and may be available online.
Rules & Terms
Each time you submit content to the Independent Film Focus for consideration and/or selection, you will be confirming your acceptance and agreement to be bound by all the Independent Film Focus Terms and Conditions, including, without limitation, this Agreement.
If you have questions, email us BEFORE submitting. That being said, DO NOT email us asking for a waiver code.
See individual categories for descriptions.
We will not be responsible for lost, damaged, unusable, or unreadable content. You must provide downloadable content (whether via FilmFreeway, Vimeo, Google, WeTransfer, or otherwise) for final delivery in order for us to be able to properly review and or showcase your work.
All screenplays submitted for competition MUST be in standard screenplay format and as a PDF from a program such as Celtx, Movie Magic, Final Draft, etc. Word Docs with improper formatting will be disqualified without a refund. Your cover page should ONLY have the title of your script.
By submitting, you agree that you own all copyrights and intellectual properties to your work. Any violations of that agreement will result in immediate disqualification from the showcase.
The Independent Film Focus does not accept rough assemblies but will accept work-in-progress cuts/drafts (picture lock with temporary sound, color, etc.). Please be aware that we will NOT screen multiple updates/versions of your film for programming consideration. Therefore, consider submitting your application only when you think your film is in the most complete and finished form possible.
The Independent Film Focus reserves the right to use any part of your submission for promotional purposes regarding the showcase itself. This includes social media, local advertising, interviews, online content, promo trailers, and other related venues.
Submitting to the Independent Film Focus does not guarantee selection. Our reviews are honest reflections of how we felt about the film, and in no way are you guaranteed a certain review (i.e. star rating, good review) as a result of submitting. We reserve the right to disqualify anyone based on violation of rules & regulations, objectionable content, rude behavior via email or social media, poor sound and/or video quality.
International films not in English MUST be subtitled in English. Films dubbed in English will be considered as well.
All submissions must be made by a person 18 years or older.
Upon entering into this agreement, you agree that the Independent Film Focus reserves the right to sell event tickets, advertising, and gain outside sponsorship in connection with your content. You also agree that the Independent Film Focus may use email communication as a form of contact in regards to your film, as well as for additional communications regarding this showcase, future showcases, and related promotions. Upon request, you have the right to unsubscribe from any form of communication with the Independent Film Focus.
As part of our sponsor and partner agreements, the Independent Film Focus may provide your name and email to those that we enter into agreements. By submitting your film, you are agreeing that we may share your name and email with select partners. Upon request, you have the right to unsubscribe from any form of communication with those partners.
While the Independent Film Focus is scheduled as a monthly showcase, please note: submissions costs will not be refunded should an act of god occur causing the showcase and it's staff to cancel, postpone, reschedule, or shift to showcasing a different month. This includes, but is not limited to natural disaster, local/national/international health emergency, destruction of property associated with the showcase, or injury or death of key showcase staff.
Again, if you're not sure about something, please email us BEFORE you submit. We'll get back to you as quickly as possible.
By submitting you agree to: Be kind and respectful to the showcase staff, volunteers, and participating filmmakers. Be graceful if you are not selected or do not win an award. Be supportive of independent films.